The two dominating stick shapes on todays market are the mid bow and low bow field hockey sticks. In this blog we will explain you the characteristics of both hockey sticks. It will make you have choose wisely between the Mid bow vs low bow hockey stick!

What is the difference?

The main difference between the two is at what point the shaft of the stick bends. The mid-bow hockey stick has a gradual curve along the entire shaft, starting in the middle of the stick. Hence ´mid´ bow, while a low-bow hockey stick starts out with a straight shaft and then bends in a lower point closer to the hook. The lower on the shaft the sticks bends, the more aggressive the low bow. We call this the extreme low bow.

Why use a Mid Bow?

The mid-bow field hockey stick is more popular among players who play in the defensive end. Defenders rely on hard passes and quick control before sweeping the ball towards another player. The mid bow offers easy control while receiving because of its gradual curve. This is because your hands are in a very natural position with respect to you feet. The mid bow also lets you hit balls more comfortably because of the same reason. If you are a beginner, you make your life easier by getting a mid bow!

Low Bow?

The low-bow hockey stick is commonly used by players who play in the midfield or the offensive end. This is because the player will have better skill based control over the ball. The curve allows you to lift and 3D dribble easier because of the late curve. Quick push passing will be easier and if you are a dragflicker you cannot choose any other stick than a low bow!