Are you looking to buy yourself a new Willy Hockey stick?

We offer Willies in various shapes, sizes and colors. There must be a Willy that feels comfortable in your hands! Our three main models are: The Stylist (Mid Bow hockey stick), The Artist (Low Bow hockey stick) and The Touch (Extreme Low Bow hockey stick). We made each model in 75% carbon and 92% carbon. The 75% carbon versions have a slightly softer touch on the ball, where the 92% carbon feels stiffer and packs more punch.

We also offer each model in a 36,5 and 37,5 inch size. In the Netherlands a lot of players use 36,5 inch sticks, in other countries such as Spain. People change faster to a 37.5 when they are younger. Curious isn’t it? Depending on your height, you might want to change to a 37,5 because that way you will increase reach and will be able to stay more upright. Staying more upright while carrying the ball with allow you to have better vision over the game and increase passing efficiency.

Mid bow hockey sticks

The mid bow hockey stick is one of the classic hockey stick shapes that’s easy to handle and enjoy. Its straighter curve makes it easy to receive hard passes compared to the more curved sticks. As you may know that stopping the ball is one of the most important aspects of the game. If you can’t stop it, you can’t pass it! The great control of these mid bow hockey sticks makes it an interesting Willy for players who are looking for maximum control. The more neutral bow attracts hard hitters, because you don’t have to compensate the bow. If you are one of those “bigger” players who everyone fears, the mid bow is the stick for you! We invite you to get a bag of ball to the top of the circle and hit them at the goal. Be sure you are bring your wallet to invite your goalie for a beer to calm him down!

Low bow hockey sticks

The low bow hockey stick (The Artist) has a beautiful curve for players who want to play high balls or drag flicks but still want a manageable Willy! Do you like to show the players on the field some tricks? The low curve lets you pick up the ball with ease and air dribble. This stick allows for a more modern style of playing. Lifting, bouncing and flicking balls all over the place! If you analyze all the passes that are played during a game of hockey. We see that the vast majority is the push and the slap hit. Due to the low bow curve if this stick, it makes it very easy to push harder and flick further. Try for yourself with a teammates mid bow if you don’t believe us! The Artist has one of the sexiest thin blades on the market. The equivalent of this blade would probably be a Ferrari and if we could also compare this to the Charlize Theron of hockey blades, Sexy!

Extreme low bow hockey sticks

The extreme low bow hockey stick (The Touch) has an extreme curve that allows you to easily perform your favorite 3D moves. Drag flickers will love this very playable low bow curve! If you are a defender and like to play some high balls? Then you have to take this extreme low bow to show your spectators some crazy passes. We warn you because this stick might harm public healthcare! All those flicks flying overhead will cause some strain on the necks of your opponents. Please keep this stick on the down low, because even a terrible dragflicker will be able to score with this curve. We don’t want to make them feel bad, but it’s the stick that does the work!

For every player we have the right Willy hockey stick in 72% carbon or 92% carbon. Check out our hockey sticks to find the right Willy for you! If you are only interested in getting a stick that matches your outfit or your attitude, get the pink Willy. It looks incredible and you will be seen from the moon we were told. Weeeell not that far, but from the parking lot for sure!