Extreme low bow hockey sticks (The Stylist)

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Extreme low bow Hockey sticks (The Touch)

The Touch, our Extreme low bow hockey sticks. All the great international drag flickers love them: very curved Willies! Now already more than years ago the regulations changed and sticks could only have 24 mm of curve. New stick designs were invented to still dragflick with the same speeds as before. Over the years we saw some clever tricks to abuse loopholes. The channel or groove was invented to not exceed the maximum bow, but through its extra space inside still offer that extra push. Later a German brand came up with a technique to put the hook at an angle, so placed on the ground by the officials it would not break regulations.

On the field it also gave that extra speed on the drag flicks. During his time, Taeke Taekema used this stick and became one of worlds drag flicking legends. Some years later we saw another trick to shave of some millimeters to give it more curve. They grinded down the end cap of a stick to make it “flatter” during control. Most of those inventions where not widely incorporated by other leading stick manufacturers. The reason for that is that while on the one hand, it makes it a little uncomfortable to play with and on the other hand the vast majority of the players don’t profit from these inventions.

The Touch, our extreme low bow hockey stick is easy to play with and also allows you to flick rockets. It’s bow is placed at the bottom of the stick, so literally everyone who lets the ball roll up and down while flicking will enjoy the little extra push the ball gets. We wouldn’t say it’s cheating, but it does make an average flicker shoot way faster. If you have a guy flicking in your team and doesn’t score goals, just get everyone donate 10 euro’s to buy him this cannon.

To match this extravagant bow to a design, we decided to paint it pink! This way your rivals know who’s preparing to fling one in the top corner! Oh no not that guy again with his f*cking pink extreme low bow hockey stick.. Will be heard on a lot of fields throughout Europe!