With good short corner tactics in field hockey your team can score loads of goals. The ball is placed a few yards from the backline and injected to the top of the circle. This creates opportunities for scoring for the drag flicker, as well as for creating scoring chances for teammates.

Here are a few short corner tactics that teams can practise:

Direct shot

The player taking the corner can hit a hard, low shot towards the goal. This can be difficult for the goalkeeper to save and can lead to a goal if executed well. Female hockey teams tend to hit a sweep or hit towards the goal. In menĀ“s hockey and top womens hockey somebody usually dragflicks the ball to score.

Pass to a teammate

The player taking the corner can pass the ball to a teammate who is positioned near the top of the circle. This teammate can then take a shot on goal. He can also pass the ball back to the player who took the corner for a two to one against the first running defender. This short corner tactic you see a lot in junior hockey.

Dummy run

One player can make a run towards the goal as if they are going to receive the ball, while another player takes the corner. This can confuse the opposition and create space for the player taking the corner to shoot or pass to a teammate.

Fake shot

The player taking the corner can fake a shot and then pass the ball to a teammate. Some players take the ball in the hook of the stick and fake a dragflick. He that way leaves the ball outside of the reach of the defender. This allows a second flicker to come in and shoot from closer to the goal.


It’s important to practice these short corner tactics. You should at least dedicate time each session. This will lead to having a variety of options in your team’s arsenal to keep the opposition guessing and create scoring opportunities.